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School Staffing Regulations (2009) states that all schools and colleges must keep a SCR, which should evidence the suitability of relevant staff and others who work in regular contact with children in school, including volunteers who have been checked. It should hold safer recruitment checks and details of all staff (including supply staff and teacher trainees on salaried routes) and for independent schools (including academies and free schools) all members of the proprietor body, and the members and trustees of the academy – Keeping Children Safe in Education (2020).
Over the last 5 years we have been listening to schools. One of the many issues they have raised is the panic they experience in making sure their single central record is up to date when Ofsted/ISI inspection is due. Over the past 2 years alone, we have audited hundreds of single central records up and down the country and alarmingly not one has been 100% complete.
School say that their current Management Information Systems (MIS) don’t cover the SCR section very well, and most schools keep a separate single central record in excel format, either because it is better managed that way, or that they cannot afford an MIS system due to the size of the school. Schools say that both systems (their existing MIS and/or Excel spreadsheet) have problems with missing data, missing checks and they are often not 100% sure about which checks need to be carried out on the different staff types who work or volunteer within their school.