In the fast-paced world of education, maintaining compliance with safeguarding regulations is crucial. One key aspect of this is the Single Central Record (SCR), a vital document that ensures the safety of both students and staff. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore what a Single Central Record is, why it is essential for educational institutions, and how an automated solution like OnlineSCR can streamline this crucial process.
The DfE Statutory Guidance for Schools and Colleges, “Keeping Children Safe in Education”, states that all schools must produce and maintain a Single Central Record of Recruitment and Vetting Checks, this is a statutory requirement.
A Single Central Record is a mandatory document that educational establishments in the UK must maintain. It is a centralised record of all the pre-employment checks conducted on staff, including teachers, support staff and volunteers, to ensure they are suitable for working with children. The SCR is a legal requirement and a critical component of OFSTED/ISI inspections. During an inspection, the OFSTED/ISI Inspector will ask to view the record.
Schools can formulate their own SCR template format. However, it’s much easier to manage your Single Central Record via a dedicated, purpose-built system. More on that later! These pre-employment checks include:
This information must record;
The DFE guidance refers to the identification checking guidelines which can be found on the GOV.UK website.
You should record employment start date and job title, although this isn’t strictly necessary. If you do add role data, you should update it where appropriate as the checks necessary for that person may change with their new role.
Where appropriate, you should carry out a check of professional qualifications. Examples for this include; Qualified Teacher Status, Higher-Level Teaching Assistant (HLTA) qualification, qualifications for School Business Managers etc.
Keeping Children Safe in Education statutory guidance describes the full range of prohibitions, directions, sanctions and orders that apply to school staff and Governors.
There is a statutory requirement that a Prohibition from Teaching check should be made for all teaching staff employed by a school. However, this does not apply to any other groups of staff but can be good safeguarding practice to carry them out.
A Prohibition from Teaching check may be required for any other individuals that carry out teaching work. Teaching work is defined as;
It is mandatory for all Proprietors, Governors, Trustees and members of the Senior Leadership Team, including Heads of Departments, in academies and free schools to be checked to ensure they are not barred under Section 128 of the Education & Skills Act 2008.
This requirement covers individuals “taking part in the management of an independent school” which covers;
This check is also mandatory for all governors, new and existing, including those in LA Maintained Schools.
All staff working in Regulated Activity must undergo a Children’s Barred List check, which should be included in an Enhanced DBS Check. [1] If a staff member starts work before receiving a DBS Certificate, a separate Children’s Barred List check is required. Schools and colleges can use the TRA’s Employers Access to carry out the check using their DfE Sign-in account.
Volunteers under close supervision are not usually considered to be in Regulated Activity. Schools have the discretion to obtain an Enhanced DBS check for them, but a Children’s Barred List Check should not be included.
School governors must have an Enhanced DBS Check. A Children’s Barred List Check is only required if a governor is involved in Regulated Activity.
Employees in Special Secondary Schools providing sensitive personal care to students aged 18 and older may need an Enhanced DBS Check that includes both Children’s and Adults’ Barred List Checks.
For more information, consult the Department of Health Regulated Activity (Adults) publication.
For individuals who have lived or worked outside the UK., schools and colleges must make any further checks they think appropriate so that any relevant events that occurred outside the UK can be considered. A Certificate of Good Conduct (CGC) should be obtained, if possible, from each relevant country. Details of how to obtain such a check from the relevant authorities abroad are available on GOV.UK.
If the country concerned is not listed, please contact the relevant embassy or consulate for further details. See here if a CGC is unobtainable, a self-declaration may be necessary.
Before an employee starts work, their proof of the right to work in the UK must be verified; this is also recommended for frequent or intensive volunteers.
Keep a confidential copy of the evidence in a personnel file for at least two years after the individual leaves the school.
Schools must receive written confirmation from agencies or third-party organisations that they have conducted all the necessary checks on individuals working at the school. This is often called a “letter of assurance”. Contractors or agency staff working unsupervised and having regular contact with children must have an Enhanced DBS Check, including a Children’s Barred List Check.
Contractors without checks should never work unsupervised or engage in regulated activity. Schools are responsible for determining appropriate supervision levels. For self-employed individuals, schools should consider obtaining the DBS check, as they cannot apply directly to the DBS.
Always verify all agency, third party and contractors’ staff identities upon arrival at the school or college.
A Single Central Record (SCR) should include all individuals who work or volunteer at an educational establishment in a way that brings them into regular contact with children and young people even if the work is only for one day. This typically includes:
It’s important to note that the SCR should only include individuals who are employed or engaged by the educational establishment and have regular contact with children.
Individuals who only have occasional or supervised contact with children may not need to be included in the SCR, but the establishment should still follow appropriate safeguarding procedures for these individuals.
The Single Central Record is vital for educational establishments for several reasons:
While it is possible to maintain a Single Central Record using a spreadsheet, there are significant benefits to adopting an automated solution like OnlineSCR:
Have a question about your Single Central Record? Pick up the phone and one of the team will be happy to help!
Maintaining a comprehensive, up-to-date Single Central Record is crucial for ensuring the safety and welfare of children in educational establishments.
By choosing a comprehensive solution like OnlineSCR, you can save time, improve accuracy, and achieve peace of mind in meeting your safeguarding and compliance obligations.
Trust OnlineSCR to streamline your SCR management and keep your educational institution inspection-ready at all times.