The legislation concerning single central records for schools and colleges in the UK was drawn up to help educational institutions safeguard the welfare of the children in their charge. By ensuring that all employees are thoroughly vetted during the recruitment process, your school can provide the maximum protection possible for each and every one of its pupils and remain in full compliance with government regulations.
The concept and aims of the single central record system are well understood by education professionals in the United Kingdom but to help you ensure that complacency does not cause standards to slip, in this article we have outlined a few of the most common mistakes that school administrative departments make with regard to the operation and maintenance of their single central records. Take note of these and you stand a better chance of achieving the goals that a well-run SCR is designed to facilitate.
If you can avoid the common mistakes listed below, you will be well on your way to ensuring that your SCR is properly maintained.
The easiest way to avoid administrative errors and omissions where your single central record is concerned is to use an online SCR software solution that stores all data in a remote location. Such a solution will make it easy for more than one member of staff to participate in the upkeep of records and will highlight errors such as missing dates and individual checks, making them very difficult to overlook. For details and pricing information on our bespoke software solutions, please call or email any any time.